Canvas Print:

Images are printed on the highest quality archival canvas available. Printing on canvas gives a unique effect and every print is a little different. The material is 100% real canvas and with a true weave pattern that you will see through your photo. Due to the fact that this is a natural material, you will typically see variations in the canvas material that will show in your print. This is not a defect, but a natural characteristic of the product. The canvas is offered in two different edge thicknesses, thick (1.5") and standard (.75"). These come ready to hang and do not require a picture frame. 

Planked Wood Print:

These beautifully handcrafted woodprints are made in Houston, Texas. Your imagery is printed directly to the wood surface with UV-resistant archival inks that stay bright and vibrant. They are made from 100% plywood that is planked together. The corners are hand distressed to give it an antique look and finish, once assembled they receive a white coating on the front and wood stain on the back. All prints arrive ready to hang. The natural wood grain compliments the image and the result is a unique stunning piece of artwork.

Glass Print:

Produce your photo or our art using high definition printing techniques that print directly to glass to give you a new viewing perspective. Your guests will be window gazing at your pet pictures. The images are bright and vibrant and give a reflective effect. The prints are hung using mounting blocks so they stand-off from the wall giving the product depth and dimension

Metal Print:

Printing on metal is a unique new way to display your photos and artwork. A thin layer of white coating is applied to the aluminum to enhance the color process, which produces a vibrant satin finish. The prints are hung using mounting blocks so they standoff from the wall giving the product depth and dimension. This light- weight yet durable printing alternative arrives ready to hang and includes rounded corners.